How to Prevent Pests

10 Tips to Keep Your Home Pest-Free

How to Keep Pests Out of Your House for Good

Pests like ants, cockroaches, mice, and other critters can invade your Australian home in search of food, water, and shelter. An infestation can be difficult and expensive to get rid of. The best solution is pest prevention – stopping them before they get in. This article will provide 10 tips to make your home less attractive to unwanted pests so you can avoid infestations.

1. Deep Clean Your Home

Giving your entire house a deep clean removes food scraps and debris that attract pests.

  • Clean floors and surfaces – Sweep, mop, and vacuum all floors. Wipe down countertops, cabinets, cardboard boxes, and tables to remove crumbs and spills.
  • Clean out cabinets – Remove everything and wipe down the inside surfaces. Look for spilled food items.
  • Clean appliances – Crumbs and spills can accumulate behind and under refrigerators, stoves, microwaves, etc. Pull them out and clean thoroughly.

A sparkling clean home removes what bugs are looking for, food and shelter. Develop cleaning routines to keep it that way.

2. Regular Rubbish Disposal

Bugs and rodents are attracted to smells from waste and food crumbs.

  • Take garbage out daily, especially food waste.
  • Use bins with tight fitting lids. Lids keep them out when closed.
  • Avoid letting recycling pile up inside. Rinse bottles and cans to reduce smells.
  • Compost bins should be sealed drums, not open piles which attract them.

Follow a waste disposal routine to limit pest attractions inside and outside your home.

3. Seal Cracks or Holes

Mice can fit through holes the size of a dime. Insects can get through the tiniest of cracks. Sealing openings denies them entry points.

  • Caulk cracks around windows, doors, loose sidings, pipes, vents, etc. Steel wool works too.
  • Seal gaps along floors, walls, and ceilings. Look under sinks as well.
  • Cover vents with fine mesh screening to keep bugs out.
  • Fill holes in exterior walls with copper mesh, caulk, cement, or hardware cloth. Install screens in windows as well.

Inspect inside and out annually. Reapply seals as needed to keep them searching for another way in.

4. Unclog Drains

Standing water and moisture are the breeding grounds for bacteria and fungi – perfect food sources. Clogged can also allow sewer roaches and rats to access the inside.

  • For simple bathroom clogs, use a plunger monthly.
  • For serious backups, use an enzymatic drain cleaner regularly.
  • And for ongoing issues, have professional cleaning done.

Unclogging pipes deny their sources of food and limit access from sewers or septic systems.

5. Remove Water Sources

Water sustains pests so eliminate sources to discourage infestations inside or out.

  • Fix dripping faucets and plumbing leaks. Check the exterior of your air conditioning units too.
  • Empty stagnant water under potted plants.
  • Position sprinklers to avoid puddling against foundations.
  • Slope soil or gravel away from homes to improve drainage.
  • Empty pet bowls between refills instead of leaving it sitting out.

Withholding water makes environments less habitable for common household pests seeking moisture and hydration.

6. Store Food in Sealed Containers

Bugs and mice can chew through paper, foil, and plastic to consume stored food inside cabinets and pantries.

  • Transfer food staples like flour, sugar, rice, pasta, etc. into plastic or glass airtight containers.
  • Choose case with rubber gaskets for best sealing performance.
  • Store pet food in metal cans or similar hard-sided sealed bins.

Without access to food inside, they move along looking for an easier target.

7. Manage Your Landscaping

Overgrown vegetation touching homes provides pest highways right to your walls and foundation. Other landscape issues nourish them outdoors.

  • Trim shrubs and tree branches away from touching the house exterior.
  • Rake up fallen fruit around trees which attracts ants, bees, rats, and other creepy crawlies.
  • Keep compost enclosed and do not have open compost piles.
  • Remove wood piles stacked near structures – perfect hiding spots!

Maintaining your landscape makes the area next to your home less pest friendly.

8. Sanitise Upholstered Furniture

Bed bugs and fleas easily infest cushy furniture where they hide in crevices to avoid detection.

  • Vacuum furniture weekly to remove debris and pests. Use attachments to reach crevices.
  • Treat materials with an insecticidal spray monthly as maintenance.
  • Inspect seams occasionally for pest evidence like tiny black dots or pale yellow skins.
  • Dehydrate them by placing infested cushions outside on hot sunny days.

Following sanitising routines keeps soft furniture pest free between professional treatments.

9. Allow Natural Predators Access

Organic pest control allows beneficial predatory insects and insect eating birds natural access areas around your home.

  • Avoid broad spectrum insecticides which also kill beneficial natural predators.
  • Plant native species suitable for your region to nourish wildlife.
  • Install a small pond with running water. Dragonflies aid mosquito control.
  • Put up bird houses and bee hotels suitable for your area. More natural enemies means less pests!

Nature provides natural pest control allies if landscapes support them.

10. Call Professionals as Needed

With diligent prevention methods, infestations should be rare. When pests persist despite your best efforts:

  • Identify the pest properly through photos or samples before choosing pesticides. Proper identification ensures using the right control methods.
  • Understand pesticide risks before deploying hazardous chemicals yourself. Certain situations are best left to professional pest control experts.
  • Compare multiple pest control companies before selecting one. Look for licensed companies in good professional standing in your area with expertise addressing your particular pest issue.

Combining regular prevention techniques with selective professional treatment when needed is an integrated pest management plan that works.

Consult with Pest Control Experts


Protect your home by denying them access, to food, water, and shelter. Apply prevention habits as daily, monthly, and annual routines to maintain resilience. Include organic and professional treatments as needed for difficult pest infestations. Over time, prevention is easier and cheaper than eradication. So implement these tips for a pest-free home now!